Part 3: Hands-On Green Cleaning - Simple Recipes to Detoxify Your Home

1 min to read
Karen Williams

Ready to ditch the chemicals and embrace nature in your cleaning routine? Let’s get started!tart typing here...

Welcome back to our essential series on green cleaning! In our first two installments, we laid a solid foundation by exploring why green cleaning is crucial for a healthy home environment and identifying the essential oils and natural ingredients that can enhance your cleaning routines. Now, in this exciting third part, we're ready to turn our knowledge into action with practical, DIY cleaning recipes. Get ready to roll up your sleeves and transform your approach to everyday cleaning with these easy-to-follow, environmentally friendly solutions!

Transitioning from Theory to Practice

Thanks to the groundwork laid in our previous posts (The Importance of Using Natural Cleaning Producs: My Story) and (Essential Oils to Make Your Own Natural Cleaners) you now know the essential oils and ingredients that can transform your home into a toxin-free sanctuary. Let's put those ingredients to use! We’ll start with a versatile and powerful DIY cleaning recipe that you can easily make at home.

DIY Green Cleaning Recipe: Sink and Tub Scrub

This effective scrub is not only easy to make but also packs a punch in cleaning power, inspired by our Natural Living Course:


  • 1 cup (224 g) Baking Soda - Cleans and deodorizes naturally.

  • 5 Tbsp (60 ml) Castile Soap - Cuts through grease and grime.

  • 1 tsp (3 g) Cornstarch - Stabilizes the mixture.

Essential Oils:

  • 15 drops Lemon Oil (Citrus limon)

  • 15 drops Tea Tree Oil (Melaleuca alternifolia)

  • 10 drops Eucalyptus Oil (Eucalyptus globulus)


  1. Mix all ingredients in a jar until smooth.

  2. Use a sponge or scrubby to apply the mixture effectively on sinks and tubs.

Pro Tip: Always use a spoon or similar tool to scoop out your scrub—avoid letting water touch the product. Introducing water can significantly reduce its shelf life. Keep your scrub fresh and effective by keeping it dry!

I like to pair this scrub for my sink and shower with a spray for countertops, handles and other surfaces such as the Tea Tree, Fir & Mint Cleaning Spray found below.

Here are more DIY Cleaning Recipes

Expand your natural cleaning collection with these additional recipes, perfect for various cleaning needs around your home:

My takeaway

With these recipes and the knowledge from our series, you are well-equipped to tackle home cleaning in a healthier, more sustainable way. Keep exploring and experimenting with the natural ingredients and essential oils we've discussed to find what works best for your home and health. Remember, it's one step at a time!

For those eager to delve deeper into natural living, our Natural Living course at offers comprehensive insights and more advanced recipes. Join me and expand your skills in a community passionate about healthy living!

Click 'Learn More' or 'Enroll Now' to explore your options and select a payment plan that suits your needs."

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Learn to use essential oils to enhance health and wellbeing and keep a clean, green household. You’ll gain an in-depth understanding of 18 popular essential oils, make natural remedies to address common health issues, create natural home and body care products that smell amazing, and more.

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About the author

Karen Williams - Aromahead Institute

Karen Williams

R.N. Certified Aromatherapist, Educator

I love to create amazing blends that inspire and promote a healthier lifestyle. I got my start many years ago as a registered nurse working in the hospital system. I wanted to help people more holistically. Then, I discovered essential oils, and my approach to life changed forever. Now, I’ve made it my mission to share what I’ve learned about aromatherapy with my friends, family, and the world. Because - life is so much better with health, happiness, and community.

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